Does The Orgasmic Diet Work?
Posted by on August 26 2011
I've always suspected that food could give me an orgasm. There have been times where I've nearly climaxed over something like a slice of super-rich chocolate cake with thick fudge frosting and sweet, sweet raspberry filling. But according to Marrena Lindberg, author of "The Orgasmic Diet," eating certain foods really can give you better orgasms. 

As a gal who's a sucker for a feel-good book (literally), I followed the plan for four weeks. 

Lesson #1: This isn't a get-skinny plan.

The focus here isn't about making women smaller; it's about ways to get big. The big O, that is. The premise is this: Eat high-protein, low-carb and good-fat foods and you'll increase testosterone and balance serotonin levels, which leads to better orgasms. (Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that affects mood, sleep and memory.) Lindberg carefully explains that when we have more of "the tiger in our tank" (a.k.a. testosterone) and balanced serotonin, we can physically and mentally have better sex. And while this may not be advertised as a weight-loss plan, this healthy way of eating did make me feel less bloated and more excited to tear off my clothes. 

Lesson #2: Chocolate is highly recommended.

The best part of the diet? Eating half an ounce of high-quality dark chocolate every day. Apparently this helps release dopamine, which is the brain chemical that makes us feel good, thus allowing better orgasms. The worst part? Eating two fish oil pills every day. Ick. Another part that was tough? Avoiding caffeine. Lindberg explained that caffeine, along with smoking, antidepressants and sugar, leads to too much serotonin production, and while serotonin makes us feel good, high levels of the stuff can set us up for a major crash. One of the goals of this diet is to balance serotonin and dopamine levels so that our neurochemistry is ready for some good loving. She also advises against taking birth control pills, because synthetic hormones decrease ovarian activity and suppress testosterone (tiger in the tank) production. Wait, how the hell am I supposed to have good orgasms when I am worried about getting pregnant now that I quit the pill? Or when I am falling asleep during sex because I quit caffeine? 

Lesson #3: Like all diets, this only works if you tailor it for your lifestyle.

Luckily Linberg offers mini-plans in case you are on vacation, or not in the mood for sex at all. So if I know tonight's the night for loving, perhaps that afternoon I can simply avoid washing down an ice cream sundae with a triple espresso and a cigarette. And I must admit, decreasing (not eliminating) caffeine and sugar from my diet did soothe my nerves which in turn made me more relaxed and in the moment during sex. 

Lesson #4: Get off your butt.

Like most diet books, this one has an exercise program. However, it's for your privates. Strong PC muscles equal good orgasms so Lindberg recommends buying an instrument such as the GyneFlex to work on pelvic muscle tone. While the thought of a home gym for my genitalia was very intriguing, I wasn't about to blow cash on this contraption. Good thing you can still create a diesel downstairs by doing kegals, regular clenching and unclenching of the muscles which form part of the pelvic floor, and Lindberg does an excellent job leading readers through a vigorous vagina workout. 

So does the diet work?

It's hard to say. My husband didn't see much of boost in the bedroom and neither did I. Other than perhaps being a little leaner and less jittery I felt pretty much the same. Then again, the tiger in my tank is already a pretty aggressive animal. 

While there was no major spike in my sex-drive during the diet, I did however feel more connected to my body while experiencing sexual activity. I attribute this fact to Linberg's great ability to remind readers how important it is to feel good. She repeatedly tells readers that they are "goddesses" who deserve to experience amazing sexual satisfaction. 

So I can't promise that The Orgasmic Diet can truly help you achieve better orgasms but I can promise it will most certainly get you thinking and talking about sex. And what makes us in the mood for sex more than well, thinking and talking about sex? 

And that note I'm off to eat more dark chocolate and continue my "work-out." 
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