Premium Membership
Membership Benefits Premium Membership allows you to access exclusive content offered only to paid members, including our message boards, our After-Hours video webcast, and more. Learn more about Premium Memberships if you'd like.

Membership Status
If you are a Premium Member, you will see "Premium Member" listed in the top right-hand corner of any page, while you are logged in. If the text in the top right-hand corner only reads "WELCOME," then you are not a Premium Member-you are simply registered as a customer on

You can view your membership information by clicking the "My Account" link in the top right-hand corner of any page to get to the "My Account" screen. The "My Account" area allows you to manage your membership, find your membership start date and renewal date, and more.

Membership Billing
If you would like to change the credit card on file for your Premium Membership, go to "Manage Credit Cards."

You will need to either edit the credit card you have on file, or add a new card.

To indicate which card you would like to have billed for your Premium Membership, select the appropriate card and click the "Use Card for Premium Membership" button. This will authorize us to charge this card for your Premium Membership; otherwise, we will be unable to re-bill you automatically.

To determine what credit card your Premium Membership will be billed to, check the "Order Status" page. Locate the order associated with your Premium Membership subscription. The payment information listed will indicate what credit card will be used for your renewal.

If you are a monthly Premium Member and would like to upgrade to a yearly Premium Membership, simply visit the "Upgrade Membership" page and follow the instructions.

To cancel your Premium Membership, simply visit the "Cancel Premium Membership" page and follow the instructions.

Gift Memberships
We offer two types of gift memberships on, a one-year gift membership and a three-month gift membership.

Gift memberships are sold as gift certificates containing an activation code. These gift certificates are emailed to the recipient indicated in the billing address of the order.

Gift memberships do not renew. They are valid only for the duration specified on the gift certificate.

A valid credit card is required to activate a gift membership. We will not bill the credit card; it is used strictly for account and age verification purposes.

To activate your gift certificate:
  1. If you are already registered with, log in with your email address and password. If you have never registered or shopped on, proceed to step 2.
  2. Go to This link is also found at the bottom of the gift certificate.
  3. Enter the gift code printed in the top right corner of the gift certificate. From there, follow the on-screen instructions.
We will send you an email confirmation when your gift membership has been successfully activated.

If you are already a Premium Member and you would like to apply a gift certificate to your account, please contact Customer Service with your gift membership code and we will be happy to extend your current membership.

If you are currently using a gift membership and you would like to renew before the gift membership expires, please contact Customer Service so we can process the membership renewal for you.

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Premium Membership
Membership Benefits
Membership Status
Membership Billing
Gift Memberships
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